Friday, November 13, 2009

Why is it such a joy when the Starbucks people remember me. And I'm not even talking about the one I go to regularly. On Fridays I do a favor by babysitting one of my partners trainers boys from 6am-9am. I stop at a drivethru StBucks to get myself coffee so I'm not zombalicious... And I get them what they now call a "Hangaber". (sausage breakfast sandwich)

Last Friday I think the lady could tell I just wasn't awake yet. I asked if she could cut the sammich in half. She asked if I'd like the halves in separate bags. Glorious, I said. I told her of my favor, she exclaimed how nice it was of me.

So today... A week later, I order not coffee but a tea, and the 'hangaber' cut in half. When I got to the window she said "oh hi! Off to babysit huh? Oh and two separate bags right?" ...thats why I'll go back places. When people take the time to remember. Take time out of their life, to be a part of yours, even if just for a moment when they are passing your daily lifejuice through a window to you.

Thanks Starbucks drive thru lady.... You make all the difference :)